Chinese Buddhist temples and monasteries across the United States, activities from Zen meditation retreats to Chinese language classes and Sunday services

Various meditation groups, something for beginners to experienced practitioners! Share the Dharma joy of peace, compassion, and wisdom.

Zen Meditation and Buddhism Class starts
Wednesday April 16 at 7:30pm
Chung Tai Zen Center of Sunnyvale
Register Now!

Meditation and Buddhism courses in the San Francisco Bay Area; try out some guided meditation as well on Friday evenings. Come discover Zen meditation and learn how practicing Zen meditation and mindfulness can change your life. Separate classes in English, in Chinese, and for children.

Where can we find peace of mind and true happiness? Zen meditation helps us attain an unbiased perception of reality. The key is to reflect inwardly. In this way, we can reach a clearer understanding of life’s difficulties with true wisdom and peace of mind as the result.

All activities at Chung Tai Zen Center of Sunnyvale and sister temple, Buddha Gate Monastery in Lafayette, are offered at no charge. (Anyone asking for payment is a scam.)

Chung Tai Zen Center of Sunnyvale is in the heart of Silicon Valley / South Bay: 750 East Arques Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085
Buddha Gate Monastery is near Walnut Creek and Oakland in East Bay: 3254 Gloria Terrace Lafayette, CA 94549



Meditation as a Way of Life: A Kindful community at Berkeley Buddhist Monastery

Come join us for a series of meditation gatherings where we will explore how our mindfulness practice can be brought into our relationships. We will explore questions such as:
How do we communicate across cultures and generations?
How do we share what’s in our hearts truthfully with kindness?
When tensions arise, how do we face it without fighting, hiding, or becoming passive aggressive?
How do we give and receive feedback?

BBM: 2304 McKinley Ave, Berkeley CA 94703

Meditation groups and Buddhist workshops are ongoing each week at Dharma Drum Mountain San Francisco Bay Area Center in Fremont!

Upcoming events in English include group meditation on Thursday evenings, in person meditation retreats on Saturdays, online book club study groups, and guided meditation classes!
Many more Chan Buddhist events in Chinese!

Grand Opening of the Dharma Drum Silicon Valley Center - a small Chinese Buddhist (Chan / Zen) Meditation center in Cupertino, in the heart of South Bay, and branch of the main center in Fremont.
Activities including Dharma lectures in Chinese, cultural groups such as flower arrangement and photography classes, and more!
法鼓山 矽谷中心首頁 Cupertino!

Residential Retreats upcoming! (Our new Retreats page is under construction too!)

In-Person Retreats:

Guan Yin Retreat 
Dharma Realm Buddhist University / City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (California)
June 7 - 14, 2025
Who: All adults welcome.
Come join us for a week of recitation, meditation, and self-reflection immersed in a spiritual community. This is a chance to disconnect from our digital devices, reconnect to our inner wisdom and compassion, and form a true network of caring relationships with those around us. Scholarships available for university students!

Young Adults Explore Buddhism!
Sravasti Abbey (Washington State)
June 2025
Who: Ages 18 - 29
A retreat of discovery for young people, led by renowned nun Ven. Thubten Chodron. No experience necessary.

Young Adults Retreat
Dharma Drum Retreat Center (New York)
June 2025
Who: Ages 18 - 35
Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association hosts over a dozen different retreats throughout the year at their rural retreat center in New York, but this special one is just for young adults!

Woodenfish Summer Program
Woljeongsa, South Korea
July 2025
Who: Ages 18 - 40
This nearly free immersive cultural experience is open to any young adult interested in learning more about Buddhism, and for the first time ever, will be in South Korea this year!

Lay Bodhisattva Precepts Retreat
City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (California)
Next: 2025
Who: For those with experience with Buddhism and ideally (but not required) have already taken the Three Refuges and Five Precepts.
We will be transmitting the Lay Bodhisattva Precepts this summer! Participants will join in the monastic schedule and have a week of classes to learn the six major and twenty-eight minor Bodhisattva Precepts. This is a rare opportunity to commit to the Bodhisattva Path.

Summer Program in Contemplative Philosophy for High Schoolers
Dharma Realm Buddhist University (California)
Summer 2025
Who: A college-level program for high school students ages 14-18. 
Read great works of philosophy, literature, and religion while taking workshops in contemplative practice and the arts. No experience needed!

In addition, there are more residential retreat opportunities throughout the year:

Dharma Drum Retreat Center (in New York)
Lots of 1, 2, and 7 day retreats for beginners and advanced meditators throughout the year

May We Gather: A National Buddhist Pilgrimage for Asian-American Ancestors - in Antioch, CA

Prajna Dharma Zen Wisdom - Online and Offline Zen Meditation Classes and Retreats, in English and in Chinese, with Venerable Jian Hu shifu

We’ve made a listing of every Chinese Buddhist temple, monastery, church, and religious organization in the United States - a map as well as a directory sorted by state. Check it out!(Canada, don’t worry, we’ll get to you soon!)

We’ve made a listing of every Chinese Buddhist temple, monastery, church, and religious organization in the United States - a map as well as a directory sorted by state. Check it out!

(Canada, don’t worry, we’ll get to you soon!)

Live Webcast Buddhist Dharma Services:

In Chinese:
Light Offering Service 光明燈法會

Great Compassion Repentance 大悲懺法會
Sunday Chanting Service 慶祝母親節祈福法會
Live from Hsi Lai Temple California, link at

In English:
Morning and Evening Service, as well as sutra classes, mindful Pure Land chanting, Zen meditation, and more
Live daily from Berkeley Buddhist Monastery (Dharma Realm Buddhist Association), links at and YouTube channel Dharma Realm Live

Ullambama Ceremony, Great Compassion Repentance, Amitabha Retreat, Medicine Buddha Service, and more

Buddhism in daily life: Cultivate virtue (through upholding precepts), concentration (through meditation practice), and insight (through dharma study) -- ultimately we are each responsible for our own future. Thus we can all uncover our innate Buddha-nature, our inherent capacity for compassion and wisdom.

Zen practice allows us a mind of stability and clarity -- dispelling delusions and awakening to liberation and joy. We transform our deep and subtle habits into wholesome ones, and cultivate until we can see things as they really are without our own biases and discrimination.


wisdom through personal investigation

uncovering ultimate reality

在快节奏、高压力的现代社会中,我们的心总在浮躁和焦虑中,如何能够偷得浮生半日闲,享受一方的宁静和安详呢? 学习禅修即是最佳的一帖良药。透过禅修打坐可以帮助我们放松压力,提高专注力,保持清晰的头脑,了解自我思考的路径,找到痛苦和焦虑的盲点,让生活变得自在与快乐。中英文初级禅修班  -- 禅修、教理兼具,指引大众如何以禅定、智慧来 转化烦恼,将佛法落实于生活中。

SITE NAVIGATION has expanded to encompass a nationwide listing of all Chinese Buddhist groups, in addition to links to resources on Chan (Chinese Zen) and Pure Land Buddhism, as well as a directory of Bay-area English meditation groups.

Dharma Realm Buddhist University All are welcome to learn more about our unique programs in a small liberal arts college setting, including 4-year Bachelor’s of Art degree.

Dharma Realm Buddhist University
All are welcome to learn more about our unique programs in a small liberal arts college setting, including 4-year Bachelor’s of Art degree.

Note: This site is independently run and not affiliated with any of the groups listed here. We hope it is in accord with the proper Dharma, and any mistakes are ours. Please contact to make suggestions or listings.

Looking for the San Francisco Zen Center? Please visit their website at